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Setting up a e-Commerce Store

19 October 2020

All payments are processed by Stripe, so you will need a personal account in order to get your store up and running.

Once you've signed up for an account follow the steps below.

Setting up a e-Commerce Store

Adding Products

Ensure that you have set your Stripe account to 'Testing Mode', then add some products to your account to be sold on your website

Setting up a e-Commerce Store
Setting up a e-Commerce Store
Setting up a e-Commerce Store
Setting up a e-Commerce Store

Go back to the content management system and create the product on your website. Here, you will be able to go into detail with product descriptions, images, features etc.

Setting up a e-Commerce Store
Setting up a e-Commerce Store

Now your website needs to be connected to Stripe. To do this the API key needs to be added to your website settings. Go back to Stripe to find this under Developers > API Keys

Setting up a e-Commerce Store
Setting up a e-Commerce Store

Visit your website/testing domain and 'purchase' your product. Since you've enabled 'Testing Mode' with Stripe you can use testing credit card numbers to test purchases. See Stripe's documentation on testing numbers for more information.

If the purchase succeeds you have set everything up correctly and will see the purchase information within your Stipe account. If your purchase fails, you may need to check your API ID/SKU numbers are correct.

Setting up a e-Commerce Store

Payment Notifications

Stripe won't automatically let you know once a purchase/subscription has been made. To enable notifications, see the Setting up payment notifications article.

Live Mode

To start receiving real payments you need to turn off Testing mode within Stripe.

Setting up a e-Commerce Store
Setting up a e-Commerce Store

Navigate to Developers > API Keys, and copy the live API key. Note that now it begins with 'pk_live' rather than 'pk_test'. This now needs to replace the key in your website's settings (content management system): Website Settings > General Settings > Store.

Setting up a e-Commerce Store
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