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Editing a Web Page

12 November 2023

Opening the Page Editor

From your website's Dashboard, go to the panel on the left and select the Web Pages option.

After selecting Web Pages from the left panel, you should now see a grid of pages within the main view. Choose a page to edit by clicking on it.

Page Editor

After opening a page the page editor will be shown.

The main view shows a live preview of your websites, and how the changes will appear after publishing your website.

The left panel is split into several different sections:

  • Title
    The title of your page. This is what will be shown in the browser window, and in search results for visitors.
  • SEO
    Contains options for search engine optimisation.
  • Page Header
    Within this section you can enable a Page Header, which adds a block to the top of your page where you can add a background image, logo or text.
  • Page Sections
    The content on your page is organised into sections, and content blocks/components.
    A section is used to group multiple content blocks/components together for organisation, and to applying styles consistently across multiple content blocks.
  • Advanced Options
    Allows you to apply styles to a section/group of content blocks.

Editing Content Blocks

After opening a section in the left panel, scroll until you see the heading Content Blocks.

You can move content blocks by clicking and dragging them up and down within the panel. You will see these changes take effect immediately within the main view.

Adding Content Blocks

To add content blocks, make sure you have opened a section, and click the Add Content Block button.
This will open a browser where you can filter and search for a specific type of content block you'd like to add to the page. When you've found a content block you'd like to use, click on it, and then the Select button.

Editing Content Blocks

All content blocks have their own specific attributes that you can edit. After opening a page section and selecting a content block, scroll down in the left panel to view all of the editable attributes.

You can also click directly on a content block within the main view to bring up a small editing dialog.

Any changes you make will appear within the main view as you make them.

Saving Changes

You can make multiple changes across components and pages without saving. When you're ready to save your changes, click the save button at the top right side of your window. This will show a list of the changes you have made, and will ask to you confirm them.

Saving your changes will apply them to the draft website. Click here to learn more about publishing changes to the live version of your website.

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