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Website Design & Development

Whether you're starting from scratch or have designs ready to go, we offer complete website development and design services to help bring your project to life.

Once your website is built, you have the ability to manage and maintain your website with CloudCannon's intuitive content management system.

Small Website

Suitable for small businesses and marketing websites

From $1,450


  • Visual Editor (CMS)
  • Premium Hosting
  • SSL Protection
  • SEO Optimisation
  • Mobile Ready

Large Website

Suitable for businesses with complex content, integrations and support needs

From $3,499


  • Visual Editor (CMS)
  • Premium Hosting
  • SSL Protection
  • SEO Optimisation
  • Mobile Ready
  • e-Commerce With Stripe
  • Regular Backups
  • 6hrs Premium Support/year

Custom Retainer

For complex projects with guaranteed and prioritised hours for development and support.

Request a Quote

Structured based on your requirements.

  • Visual Editor (CMS)
  • Premium Hosting
  • SSL Protection
  • SEO Optimisation
  • Mobile Ready
  • e-Commerce With Stripe
  • Regular Backups
  • Unlimited Premium Support
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